Image Credit: Sustainable Georgia Futures

Client: Sustainable Georgia Futures (SGF)
Grant Amount: $100,000
Project: Organizational and Fund Development
Sector: Environmental and Social Impact

At Divine Writing & Consulting Solutions (DWCS), we’re dedicated to helping organizations like Sustainable Georgia Futures (SGF) make a real difference in their communities. Through our partnership, we successfully secured a $100,000 grant from Drawdown Georgia, enabling SGF to expand its work in sustainability and community empowerment across Georgia. In addition to this achievement, DWCS is developing a long-term fund development plan to support SGF’s ongoing growth and impact.

We're proud to have secured $100,000 in funding to fuel sustainability and social impact projects across Georgia.

The Approach

Our team took a hands-on approach with SGF, starting with an in-depth organizational assessment and strategic planning to align their initiatives with their mission. We pinpointed the best funding opportunities and put together strong grant proposals that resonated with funders. We managed the entire process, from the initial submission through the post-award phase, to make sure the grant was put to its best use.

We're committed to helping SGF grow with our hands-on approach, guiding them from assessments all the way to long-term fund development.

The Outcome

The $100,000 grant has already allowed SGF to broaden its reach, supporting initiatives focused on sustainability, environmental justice, and community empowerment. With our continued support in creating a comprehensive fund development plan, SGF is well-positioned to attract future funding and continue its vital work in Georgia.

Success by the Numbers

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